When you don't understand any Spanish slang or any rules of any sports in general, just jump up and down while screaming "BARTHA! BARTHA!" Its equally as fun. Bonus: SNACKS. Yes, that's right. They let you bring snacks. CORN NUTS! CORN NUTS!
I am a lady in Spain I'll sing a haunting refrain I am a lady from Mars and I can unscrew the stars I can be anything that I see
just let me be obsessed with everything sparkly that shines. also, I'm genuinely impressed with how many creative things I can come up with to do when avoiding homework. like editing all my pictures to try to make them look artistic or building the world's tallest tower of bugles. why.
its so refreshing. its cold and new. and it feels great. plus it reminds me of skiing and home, both of which i was missing today. good timing, weather.