-thanks to united airlines i got a FREE upgrade to business class for my eight hour flight (complete with a 5 course meal, complimentary wine/champagne/starbucks for the duration of the flight, a fully reclining chair with footrest, personal tv, hot breakfast.. the list goes on. how can some people fly this luxuriously on a regular basis and not be completely obsessed? and WHY HAVENT I DISCOVERED THIS UNTIL NOW?
-I don't appreciate whoever designed the frankfurt airport with every gate 3 miles from the next so it takes 2 girls a total of 45 minutes to walk 20 gates with 50 lb bags dangling from each arm. you do the math. (correct answer: sweat.)
-everyone dresses cooler here
-you aren't supposed to tip. ever. i dont know why i find this so fascinating.

ok just to give a visual, this is frankfurt airport. now imagine RUNNING from one side to the next with multiple HEAVY bags. (keep in mind you cant read the signs because theyre in german.) death.
adios amigos! this spanish exposure thing is actually helping i think. stay posted.
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