1.) Public transportation is FREE!!! (until you find out its actually not and you've been accidentally stealing rides the whole time)
2.) The official name of their currency is "Czecheroo."
For example,
Me: How many czecheroos is that?
Sales clerk: You mean Crowns?
3.) Talking out loud on the metro or tram is not socially acceptable. (This includes any form of smiling, laughing, or talking loudly in Spanish about the people around you.) They WILL glare at you.
4.) Authentic Czech cuisine includes meat. That's it. (Pork, sausage, hotdogs, etc.) Sometimes its accompanied with sauerkraut. Mmmmm mouth-watering.
5.) ITS COLD. Not cold as in cold, cold as in FREEZING.
6.) Their music is hilarious.
7.) There should be a height requirement to ride the escalators because they are ROLLER COASTERS.
8.) They love KFC and McDonalds! Yay America!
Now you're an official czechspert! (It never gets old to make puns on the word "czech" the whole time you're there.)