Tuesday, February 2, 2010


10:26 PM
Just dug the bag of candy out of the trash can where I tried to hide it from myself yesterday. I need a more permanent strategy. (Who would have thought that gummies shaped like sunny-side-up eggs and sushi could be so irresistible?)

More importantly, THERE IS A PROTEST GOING ON OUTSIDE MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW. Before you freak out and tell me not to get murdered in Spain, let me explain. Their idea of a "protest" more closely resembles a block party than a politically significant gathering. I kept saying, "Hay una fiesta!!" to which my senora got very angry and explained, "NO HAY UNA FIESTA. HAY UNA MANIFESTACION." I didn't actually think it was a party, but thank you. Seriously though, allow me to set the scene. Imagine hundreds of hippies with dreadlocks gathered in the street, making music with drums and trumpets, while linking arms and dancing around. There were even jugglers involved. They are so peaceful!! Don't worry I took like four videos (I'll try to figure out how to post later.) I can hear them singing right now!!! COOOOL

This is a short clip I took of the protest that occurred outside our house. Its just really interesting to see how other cultures handle expression of public opinion and/or political rebellion. Voicing your opinion does not have to involve violence! Do like the Spaniards do.

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